Best Practice With Allianz

Won't it be beneficial if you know which customer will be moving forward with the litigation process? As a result of our project with Allianz, the annual litigation rate of the files decreased from 35% to 28% and a 20% cost advantage was achieved.


Allianz, one of the strongest financial communities in the world, serves over 100 million customers as one of the world's largest insurance and asset management companies. The product range of Allianz Insurance includes vehicle insurance, private health insurance, home and workplace insurance, travel health insurance, corporate insurance, liability insurance, transportation, airway insurance, and agricultural insurance.

Allianz Turkey is based on sustainability principles with the motto of “Allianz with You, By Goodness”, while working with all its strength for its customers and placing being a social brand that increases the quality of life of the society among its top goals.

While the company is built on customer satisfaction, it is also extremely data oriented. The company's recent gradual transition to the new data system affects many of the processes in the company. Structuring the decision-making processes based on data ensures that the right moves are made.


One of the areas of responsibility of Allianz Insurance is to provide the compensation rights of a third person whose body was damaged because of a traffic accident involving customers with insurance policies within the scope of the policy. The amount of indemnity received by the individual may vary due to the policy and policy usage content variables. The third party may not be satisfied with the process or the amount of compensation it has received and may take the matter to court process.

In the damage cases, the Trendify Product (Litigation Model) has been presented to estimate the litigation status of the file when the damaged file is opened and closed, to take actions according to the litigation status, and to reduce the difficulties faced in terms of time and cost.

The Solution

Trendify has progressed by using two different artificial intelligence-based solutions at the stages of damage file application and closure of a person whose body has been damaged. Thanks to the developed product, the litigation status of the file is estimated, and a warning can be provided to Allianz Insurance for the case of handling the damaged file separately in the process or re-evaluating the compensation amount paid to the file. By means of these actions, it is aimed at reducing the number of cases filed.

In the developed model, analysts were spending a long time analyzing the health reports due to the file structure of the resulting health reports, incomplete, incorrect, and excessive data entry. In the product developed by Trendify Analytics, using natural language processing methods, health reports were made regular and functional, allowing analysts to make queries in a brief time. Finally, meaningful input was provided to the prediction model.
Explanatory artificial intelligence modules were used to explain the properties of the files estimated to be sued / not sued. In this way, in addition to the estimation and probability result for each file, it was shared with Allianz Insurance, from which characteristics this result was obtained. Thus, actions can be taken regarding this feature during the process.

The Results

Trendify can estimate the litigation status of the body damage files of Allianz Insurance with an accuracy of 78% when the file is opened and 91% when the file is closed. As a result of this project, the annual litigation rate of the files decreased from 35% to 28% and a 20% cost advantage was achieved.
It is clearly seen that thanks to the Trendify product, it will provide Allianz Insurance with significant long-term gains both in terms of material and workforce.

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